Saturday, July 18, 2009

Orlis sez...I'us a talkin' to Larry Davis (the Arkansas Blues Man that wrote Texas Flood, the song that started Stevie Ray Vaughn's career).
And he said, "that when he was a kid he never missed the Grand Ole Opry and sometimes he'd get whupped for runnin' the car battery down, cuz they didn't have no 'lectricity.
And that when Howlin Wolf and them dudes said oooooooouh! they us a tryin to sound like Jimmy Rogers, the singin' brakeman.

Orlis sez...yankees think black people invented rap music. The first time I heard rap music was when I was at a sqiare damce when I was about 3 years old when I went to an auction and heard a hillbilly auction and heard a great hillbilly auction and heard a great hillbillly rapper, but it goes back a lot further than that. Doc Watspm and his family give a good rendition.
Here tiis...
Doc and family sez...
Doc Watson and Fanily Tradition track three, title Childre Songs

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